Skyline (2010), a mystery and suspense, science fiction and fantasy movie. Directed by Colin Strause and Greg Strause. Distributed by Rogue Pictures/Universal Studios. With the cast of Donald Faison, Eric Balfour, David Zayas, Scotie Thompson, Brittany Daniel and Crystal Reed.
Skyline (2010), a movie that talks about a otherwise force that is swallowing up a human population off the face of the earth. There are a group of friends that awakened at the night by an spooky light through the window, now they are the survivors who must fight for their lives as the world unscrambles around them.
Skyline (2010) will be out this week, November 12, 2010
They've got the movie already uploaded over at if you wanna see it for free
They also put up a backup in case the first one goes down, it's over at
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