Megamind (2010), a action and adventure, animation, kids and family, comedy movie. Directed by Tom McGrath and Cameron Hood. Distributed by Paramount Studios/DWA.
Megamind (2010), is a film about the supervillain that became a superhero. Megamind is a least successful supervillain ever. Megamind is trying to conquer Metro City, but each attempt of our lead supervillain is a failure, this because of the superhero, the Metro Man. And unluckily, he gradually defeat the Metro Man. Although Megamind defeat the superhero, he is suddenly unhappy with what he did, until the new supervillain arrive and the chaos runs rampant. And no the supervillain, is trying to deafeat this new arrive villain. Now, can Megamind a supervillain can now be a superhero?
Megamind (2010) is on theater November 5 2010.
They've got the movie already uploaded over at if you wanna see it for free
They also put up a backup in case the first one goes down, it's over at
This movie was a lot of fun. Suitable for all ages. I caught the 3D version, and it was very well done. Will Farrell was very funny as Megamind. If you like his comedy, you will like this movie.i make Megamind download here and watch it ,This movie is a disaster. Utterly charmless, it was the first time I was really aware of the difference between a star, and Voice Actor. As funny as Ferrell & Fey can be, vocally they are not interesting. I miss Paul Frees, Hans Conried and the rest of that generation. And I was born well after they did their work. Avoid this movie.
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