Rango, present praiseworthily off-kilter and boasting astral living alongside a top notch vocal rendering from Johnny Depp (saving himself for the shambolic The Tourist), experiences disappointingly vacuous in the centre, and merely not pulled plenty to its interesting assumption.
Rango (Depp) is a chameleon who, during a specially jolty car ride, chances himself freed coming from the confines of his terrarium, washing up by a broken down Old West-style town named Dirt. For benefiting from his namelessness, Rango ways his ain mythological position as a hero figure, stating tall tales to the locals who range from guitar-strumming owls to hat-wearing animals and for a period of time, negociating to win over them of his honours as a lawman. Nevertheless, when Dirts water system starts to dry up, and the towns sanctitude is jeopardised by some local gunslingers, Rango must live up to the fable he has made or face certain destruction.